Have you ever noticed how many successful and powerful women identify their desire to please others as one of their greatest weaknesses? They recognise that their tendency to allow other persons or events to control their emotions, never having the courage to say no, or standing up for what they believe in, have been detrimental to their progress in their chosen fields.
This is because as women we have been socialised to believe that being emotional, or bursting into tears, is an effective way of dealing with challenging situations or gaining attention. But in fact, it makes our position in the argument easy to dismiss.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- How much am I in control of my emotions?
- What are some of the triggers that cause me to become emotional?
- What might I tell myself to have a more peaceful or measure response when usually I would become emotional?
Best wishes and have a great day!