Daily Inspiration, for 24 December 2021

by | Dec 24, 2021 | Inspiration

This quote by Brené Brown is one that I encourage you to revisit. Although it is straightforward, it is also profound and its full gravity or impact is not always apparent or felt on the first read.

Similar to the contrast between light and dark, which allows us to see the boundaries of objects, we are reminded of the ebbs and flows of life: the good and the not-so-good that we experience from time to time. These not-so-great times can be a source of considerable fear and anxiety – to the point that even when all is going relatively well in our lives, we are continually looking for a downturn around the corner. However, when we do so, we cannot really enjoy the present, nor the blessings or the joys that we currently have.

We also need to remind ourselves that the darkness will inevitably come. The highs in life are there to sustain us through those dark times, and so they ought to be enjoyed fully and with a grateful heart.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • How much do I enjoy the moment?
  • Am I constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop?
  • How much do I allow the shadows of life to destroy my joy or contentment?



Best wishes, and have a great day!