Daily Inspiration, for 24 November 2021

by | Nov 24, 2021 | Inspiration

Although the statement in and of itself is profound, many of us are operating from a mindset of being less, or feeling less than…

 As young girls, there can be an overwhelming need to fit in, which so many of us still carry to this day – although we can rationalise, know all the right things to say, and can justify why we might not be like that. Further, and depending on our circle, (i.e. family, friends, community, etc.) and as young girls, several limitations may have been placed on us. For example: places we could not go; things we couldn’t do; professions we couldn’t consider; tasks or activities we shouldn’t be good at. These experiences and more would have contributed to our insecurities: who we are, and who we believe ourselves to be.

 However, if we are going to make today’s quote truthful in our lives, we have work to do. As a start, we will need to try to identify the ways we feel worthless, or rather ‘less than’,  and thereafter, do the hard work to debunk them one by one.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • In what ways do I feel less than?
  • To what degree are those ‘less than’ aspects in fact true?
  • What are the things I know I am good at, or are the important positives in my life?
  • Are there any of things that I believe that I am ‘less than’ that I can improve or change?



Best wishes, and have a great day!