To varying degrees, we all fear failure. More importantly, we tend to fear some of the consequences of failure even more: the embarrassment; the loss that might be experienced; the judgement of others, to name just a few.
Without a doubt, and at some time or other, failure is inevitable. We all experience it. However, the focus ought to be on what you do AFTER you have experienced a ‘failure’. The best you can ever do, is to try to learn from the experience you might consider a failure, dust yourself off, and keep going.
Yes, there are times when a failure can knock the wind out of your sails; but sometimes, you also can sit unduly long in the misery of your failure. Essentially, these times are a crossroad in your life – where you need to choose whether to stay down, or to try to pick yourself up, regroup and decide how best to proceed. You get to decide when a fresh start begins.
Best wishes and have a great day!