Daily Inspiration, for 25 August 2022

by | Aug 25, 2022 | Inspiration

Have you ever had the experience of struggling to make a life-changing decision in response to a monumental event or situation?

You probably started out by seeking the opinions or the advice of family, friends and colleagues, which left you even more confused and undecided. But a choice had to be made!

So you found a quiet spot, silenced the voices in your head, and thought about what was in your best interest, and what you wanted to achieve. You then acted on the decision you had made.

Coming to a decision and acting upon it is not easy, as often you have to contend with the disapproval of others. Nevertheless and regardless of the outcome, you ought to take solace in the fact that you made the best choice you could under the circumstances as you understood them, with what you knew, and with the experiences you had at the time.

More importantly, these experiences are part of the fabric of your life, and to disown them, or to somehow try to expunge them, is a disservice to who you are, your life journey, and the person you are becoming.



Best wishes and have a great day!!