These are powerful words from Angelina Jolie!
To a considerable degree, women are defined by their relationships, be it as a family member, a romantic partner, or even a friend. Without a doubt, these relationship can shape who we are, but also, we can also find ourselves changing to better conform to who we think we should be in those relationships, in order to feel more accepted, and even more loved. Unfortunately, these very actions can cause us to feel lost and disconnected from ourselves.
Having said this, many of us are terrified of being alone. But it also may mean that we do not really know ourselves: what we like, what we don’t like; or what we need to feel good alone.
However, even in the midst of all of our relationships, we can begin to learn more about who we are, and to take that inner journey into self. Much of what is needed is time alone for introspection, and if you are committed to the process, you can find yourself.
Best wishes, and have a great day!