At some point in our lives, we all come to the end of our rope, or the end of our tether. Essentially, we have been dealing with a challenging situation, and have reached our limit. We cannot deal with it any longer. We are exhausted, and want out.
As glib as the solution former US President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, suggests – to tie a knot and hang on – there is also some wisdom there.
First, we can withstand a lot more than we think: but we need to persevere. To a considerable degree, and to persevere, there needs to be a mindset shift, and being able to find a some calm within the chaos, from which we can replenish and draw strength.
Having said this, women, in particular, tend to be adept at holding on, and persevering. It is thus important to be clear that what you are holding on to is worth fighting for. More importantly, and from time to time, be prepared to ask yourself whether or not it is still worth it to hold on to the problem or difficult situation you are facing. Because sometimes, as important as it might be to hold on, it is even more important to know when to let go.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- Am I dealing with a difficult situation?
- Is the challenging situation worth me holding on?
- If the situation is worth me persevering, why should I do so?
- Should I let go of this challenging situation?
- If I let go of this challenging situation, why should I do so?
Best wishes and have a great day!