Daily Inspiration, for 28 August 2022

by | Aug 28, 2022 | Inspiration

All too often, it is easy to allow ourselves to be ruled by fear. Sometimes what we fear is not fear of the unknown, or fear of an unfavourable result, but rather, fear of others’ opinion of us, and even fear of our own potential for success and greatness.

Sometimes, the fear we are experiencing is at odds with doing something that we know is right – be it generally to benefit others, or the right thing for us. However, our apprehension about the outcome to cause us to hesitate and not to act as we know we should.

Whenever we hold ourselves back, inherently, we are undermining our true essence, which sometimes is referred to as our ‘gut’ or institution. The unseen yet guiding hand that keeps us attuned to who we are and who we can be. However, we tend to ignore it, and wonder why we somehow feel disconnected to life and experiences.

If only we would listen to that intuition, and what we know to be right, we will never lose our way in this life.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • How often do I ignore my intuition or my gut?
  • When was the last time I allowed fear to stop me from doing what I knew to be right?
  • How do I feel about how that situation unfolded?



Best wishes and have a great day!