Stress, anxiety, anger, frustration and even sadness, can rob us of time and cause us to lose perspective on many things. Although it is important to have these feelings and acknowledge them, they can also adversely affect how we perceive ourselves and situations.
How can we return to our equilibrium? The first thing we can do to breathe, as Oprah says. Breathing, both literally and figuratively, will cause us to pause, and in that, the opportunity to assess ourselves and choose how to act going forward.
Often, the emotions we are feeling are either arising from past hurt and/or thinking about the likely impact or consequences in the future. These are time frames – the past and the future – for which we have no control. However, we have control of the present, of the very moment, we are in.
When we breathe, we can still the mind, let go of those pent-up emotions and focus on the now.
Best wishes and have a great day!!