This is a quote that we need to take to heart. So many of us need others’ opinions on the decisions that we make. Moreover, we need to take on board the opinions of others in many areas of our lives.
Although there are benefits to sharing and learning from others, we aren’t always aware of their intentions where we are concerned. Are the opinions they offer truly for our well-being or benefit, or are they meant to undermine us? Further, we might also need to consider that people’s views and perceptions tend to be limited by their own experiences. As a result, their experiences may not necessarily be applicable to your situation, or they could be offering an opinion from a very limited lens.
To that end, we ought to be mindful of the opinions we invite and accept – especially those that seek to make us feel smaller or ‘less than’. It can become exceedingly debilitating if we doubt ourselves, and it can be a long and arduous struggle to rebuild our sense of self and self-worth.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- How easily do I invite the views of others?
- How easily do I accept the opinions of others, especially if I feel inferior or ‘less than’?
- Can I recall experiences in which I felt ‘less than’?
- How did I regain my sense of self, or am I still trying to rebuild my confidence?
Best wishes, and have a great day!