Daily Inspiration, for 29 September 2022

by | Sep 29, 2022 | Inspiration

Today’s quote may remind you of the opening lines of the Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference…

We will encounter difficult situations that regardless of our very best effort, we will not be able to change the outcome. Our responsibility at that time would be to try to accept the outcome, and figure out how best to move forward.

On the other hand, we will encounter challenging circumstances in which, we can change the outcome – provided we give it the necessary attention and effort. We will not be able to move closer to the desired outcome by solely wishing for it, or avoiding the situation altogether.

In almost every situation there are several opposing forces at play: those of the other parties to the situation, and even that of the Universe. In particularly difficult ones, we need to show up, we need to face them, in order for there to be a hope that we can change the outcome.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • Is there a difficult situation or circumstances that currently exist in my life?
  • Have I been facing that situation, or have I been avoiding it? And I the latter, why?
  • What is the outcome that I desire in that difficult situation?



Best wishes and have a great day!