Daily Inspiration, for 30 September 2022

by | Sep 30, 2022 | Inspiration

In today’s society, and more so developing societies, failure is not an option. There are few safety nets and second chances, and so to a considerable degree, we have all been conditioned to fear failure, and avoid it at all costs.

However, sometimes, we can pay a huge price for avoiding failure. An example that many women and some men have experienced is the dilemma of an abusive or toxic relationship: whether to stay and protect their reputation, lifestyle, etc., with the abuse and toxicity continuing or even escalating; or to face the ridicule, shame and stigma from those in their circle should they choose to leave.

It is when the stakes are high that we have the greatest opportunities for growth. Moreover, we will experience failure at some point in time. It is a matter of ‘when’, not ‘if’. So we also need to be prepared to deal with the aftermath of failure. Do we choose to sit in the sadness, anger, regret and sense of loss indefinitely? Or do we choose to dust ourselves off and figure out how to pick up the pieces and move on?

Choosing to rise above failure is not necessarily easy or elegant, and there may be some missteps along the way. However, it is a choice that is made every day, moment by moment – to rise every time we fall.



Best wishes and have a great day!!