Life lessons. It is a concept that we have all heard before, and from time to time, we are reminded of it when either we are in a situation, or have been in a situation that is (or was) a ‘learning experience’. Essentially, we learnt some important lessons through that experience, which hopefully will not only make us better people, but also a bit more equipped for our lives moving forward.
Having said this, today’s quote reminds us that when we are in the throes of a difficult situation, and are wishing for it to be over, the odds are it will persist – especially if we are missing (or avoiding) the life lesson that we are to learn. Furthermore, and thanks to our ignorance, we are also likely to be digging ourselves deeper into the hole we are already in…
The better posture to take would be to say to yourself, “What am I to learn from this situation?” In doing so, you allow yourself to be more open to the experience – as difficult as it may be – and you may also begin to see and perceive the experience in new and different ways.
Best wishes, and have a great day!