Daily Inspiration, for 5 November 2022

by | Nov 5, 2022 | Inspiration

We are social animals who require the support of the group in many of our daily activities. The pull of the group is heightened today, thanks to social media, where it is easy to become part of the crowd and we go along with the most popular position without much thought.

Technology has also encouraged us to depend even more on our circle, which is not just limited to family, friends and colleagues, but now includes online followers or community. To varying degrees, we are in constant communication, and may not even have a chance to formulate our own thoughts or opinions. We may thus find ourselves engaged in ‘group think’: where we are afraid to have or share differing views from our ‘circle’, and so sacrifice our individuality.

However, from time to time, we are likely to find ourselves in situations where our opinion of a situation is wildly different from those of our circle, but we choose not to stand in our truth. Sometimes, the issue might be relatively small, and the consequence seemingly minor, but in going along with the crowd, we have ignored or even smothered our inner voice, and so weaken that inner link.

However, it is that inner voice that grounds us and gives us clarity and direction. It is thus crucial that we remain connected to our core values by not only taking time to connect with ourselves but also being prepared to stand in that truth.



Best wishes and have a great day!!