Daily Inspiration, for 6 December 2022

by | Dec 6, 2022 | Inspiration

As we get older, we can see the impact of time on our faces, bodies, and even the things around us. We may no longer glow with the blush of youth, but have been tempered by experiences and wisdom, numerous blessings and a few hard-fought battles.

One of the challenges we face in our youth and age-obsessed society is our attitude to getting older. Do you embrace it wholeheartedly?  Do you fight it within reason? Are you somehow in denial and prepared to hold on by any means necessary?

As seemingly vain as this topic might appear, it can cut to the heart of an individual’s self-confidence and self-perception – which is no trivial matter. However, in all things, we ought to strive to be authentic, which also means being honest, vulnerable and voicing our fears.

Ageing can be scary, not to mention alienating, when everyone around wants to appear much younger than they are. However, the number of years we have been on the Earth and the experience and wisdom we have gained have to count for something! They ought to be acknowledged and even embraced as a badge of honour, as it is often only as you become older that you become more of whom you were meant to be!



Best wishes and have a great day!!