Many of our unpleasant experiences have occurred to teach us some life lesson. So instead of being hard on ourselves, by holding on to the hurt and continually re-living in a situation, we need to look at it as a learning experience.
However, that can be easier said than done, especially since often we want to apply logic and understand the source and all of the nuances of the situation. Sadly, every situation has multiple angles and variables, which we do not control. As a result, we may never truly be able to understand – and more importantly accept – why the other individuals in the situation acted the way they did, or why the situation unfolded in a way we did not expect.
The key is to stop fixating on situation and to learn to forgive yourself for the role you played. Thereafter, try to find the lessons the universe is attempting to teach you, and apply them to your life and the decisions you make going forward.
Best wishes, and have a great day!