Daily Inspiration, for 7 November 2022

by | Nov 7, 2022 | Inspiration

What does it mean to be happy? To answer that question, we often focus on external things or our circumstances to decide or define whether we are happy, such as whether we are in our dream job, living in our dream home, married, or able to afford all of what we want.

However, as many of us have already discovered, achieving all of these external goals does not guarantee happiness. Moreover, it can be perplexing when you have in fact achieved a long-desired dream, and whatever joy you experienced was fleeting at best, which in turn may cause you to feel more disappointed or dissatisfied.

The age-old adage, “Happiness begins with you”, is indeed true, but more so that “happiness begins IN you.”

Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually is crucial., especially since so many of us are quick to take ourselves for granted or downplay our own self-care and self-worth.

Being kinder to yourself, truly loving yourself and accepting your shortcomings is among the greatest gifts you can give yourself, and the foundation to build true and lasting happiness.



Best wishes and have a great day!!