Daily Inspiration, for 8 January 2023

by | Jan 8, 2023 | Inspiration

We have perhaps all heard our parents and grandparents talk about how different today is from when they were young. At that time, there was a greater sense of community: there wasn’t as much violence; people helped each other and even helped to raise everybody’s children. Nowadays, besides the upsurge in violence, people seemingly have become more selfish, and very much focused on themselves and only advancing themselves, even at the expense of others.

We have become so self-absorbed that when someone is selfless or does acts of kindness to another, it seems newsworthy. In other words, kindness has become the exception rather than the norm.

The question, therefore, is how can we hold on to our values and to attributes that are considered common decency when it appears that little value appears is placed on those qualities?

To varying degrees, it requires you to not conform to the crowd, and what has become acceptable behaviour and attitudes. However, acting differently can have you labelled a ‘rebel’, which in turn can make you feel even more isolated and less part of the crowd.

However, to remain true to yourself and your values, is it so bad to be considered a rebel?

You decide.



Best wishes and have a great day!!