Fear is the most paralysing feeling we can experience, from fear for our physical safety, to fear for the future. In these instances, we may not be able to think rationally, or figure out what actions we can take, which in turn causes us to remain even more stuck in the situation we so desperately want to leave.
To be able to move beyond our fear takes courage. But this courage does necessarily show up fully baked and ready to be exercised when a situation demands. Like a muscle, courage must be exercised so that not only it grows in strength, but also we know how to tap into it at a moment’s notice.
Similar to a muscle, baby steps are best when building courage. It is also important to get familiar with fear, in the hope that it will no longer overwhelm you, but that you will still have the wherewithal to draw on your courage to fight your way through the adversity at hand.
Best wishes, and have a great day!