Daily Inspiration, for 9 January 2022

by | Jan 9, 2022 | Inspiration

This quote by Brené Brown evokes the feeling of being a gladiator: in the arena of one’s life. So many of us operate and live our lives from a position of fear – of not rocking the boat, and of remaining comfortable.

However, if you hope for growth or improvement in your life, be it personal or professional, change is essential; and consequently, the need to be brave. Having said this, there’s also the risk of failure with change, and like Brené  says, of getting your ass kicked.

Comfort and courage tend to be at opposite ends of the spectrum. It is difficult to have both, and certainly not possible to have both in full measure. So continually, we make a choice:  comfort versus courage; the status quo versus change. You decide.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • To what degree am I prepared to be brave with my life?
  • To what degree am I prepared to choose courage over comfort?
  • Are there any specific fears or concerns that I challenges my desire to be brave?
  • How might I be able to manage those fears or concerns so that I can be braver in the arena of life?



Best wishes, and have a great day!