Daily Inspiration, for 9 November 2021

by | Nov 9, 2021 | Inspiration

In our still patriarchal and male-dominated societies, and after all we as women have achieved, in many instances, we are still seen as being secondary to men. In some parts of our societies, there is still an expectation that women should be seen and not heard; and it is into this construct that so many of us either have been raised, or in which we still live.

It really takes the exceptional woman to try to find her voice, and ultimately, to use it. But as Melinda Gates stated, that journey can be incredibly difficult. Typically, we are riddled with self-doubt; but we persist due to some unknown force that insists that it is vital that we do so. It’s also very lonely, as we learn to become aligned with our inner selves and more fully understand who we are!

More importantly, it is an unending journey. We cannot sit on our laurels and say, “Yes, I have found my voice”. Maintaining our inner alignment and courage to speak up takes practice, and ought to be practiced regularly.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • Where am I in my journey to find my voice?
  • What hurdles, if any, do I still need to overcome?
  • What personal and internal dialogue do I still need to address in my journey to find my voice?



Best wishes, and have a great day!




  1. Daily Inspiration, for 12 November 2021 | Journey To Growth - […] to Melinda Gates, finding our voice can be remarkable difficult, but using our voice takes work. More importantly, […]