Inspirational Quote for 11 February 2023

by | Feb 11, 2023 | Inspiration

We live in a culture that values action.

If you are not moving or rushing, then there is something wrong with you. We, and those around us, take pride in hustling: always being on the go, working long hours, sometimes having multiple jobs, and not having much time to rest and relax. Moreover, we are constantly connected through electronic devices, so we are never unavailable. And the relentless stream of alerts and notifications often leads us to be continually stimulated with little downtime.  

However, in stillness, we pause the inflow of stimulation from the world and give ourselves the opportunity to process the experience we have been having. Stillness allows us to ground ourselves and listen to our intuition and explore more deeply how we truly feel about the circumstances in our life. It is in the stillness that we have a chance to better know ourselves and to replenish ourselves.



Best wishes and have a great day!!