Inspirational Quote for 11 January 2023

by | Jan 11, 2023 | Inspiration

We are living in the golden age of women. Never before in modern history have women had the opportunities that we currently enjoy. A girl child was seen as a major liability for her family because she had to be provided for up to a certain age and then handed off to her husband. Women were not expected to take the lead in anything – not even their own lives.

Although times have changed, and women are more independent and better educated, there is a gap between social expectations and traditional behaviours as it relates to how women are viewed and what they should be capable of.

in many instances, we are content to make ourselves small so as not to intimidate the males (or others in authority) in our environment. But it is well known that individuals or groups do not readily relinquish power. Women need to demand the respect and recognition that they deserve.



Best wishes and have a great day!!