Inspirational Quote for 13 February 2023

by | Feb 13, 2023 | Inspiration

We all fall victim to comparison. We compare ourselves with others and at times, may wish may even have wished that we had their lives or success.

However, when we wistfully admire the success of others, it can often mean that we are not paying enough attention to our own lives and responsibilities. It is easy to live vicariously through others, and in some way, feel as if we are having their experiences and enjoying their successes.

Unfortunately, that is an illusion. We ought to take to heart that we have our own life to live – however small and insignificant we believe it to be. More importantly, our life demands our care and attention. We need to ensure that we are actively driving and participating in our life, and are not focused on just being passive onlookers in the lives of others.



Best wishes and have a great day!!