Inspirational Quote for 17 February 2023

by | Feb 17, 2023 | Inspiration

Potential. We all have it, and often, we see it in others. The potential we see could be with respect to a particular skill or certain character traits, which, to be fair, could be used for good or bad.

However, potential, in and of itself, is static. Unless it is acted upon and becomes manifest, it is of little value – which is why we can end up frustrated with ourselves and others when they “do not live up to their potential!

Similarly, possessing or hoarding knowledge without applying it, or sharing what you know with others, would be a waste of potential. However, to some degree, we have been trained either to hide or to be territorial across many fronts, such as with respect to our feelings and the information we possess, in order not to be vulnerable or in some way, to have the upper hand.

But from time to time, you ought to ask yourself, “What benefit do I gain when I do not share my knowledge with others?” Often, the benefit is with respect to ego, which rarely increases your value to yourself or to others.



Best wishes and have a great day!!