Inspirational Quote for 2 February 2023

by | Feb 2, 2023 | Inspiration

Being an adult in the 21st century, a person’s independence is almost considered a God-given right. It implies that you have autonomy and are in full control of yourself.

Often we see the struggle in teenagers fighting for their independence. They feel that they should have full control and authority over themselves, which can result in very contentious situations in their households, as at the very least legally, their parents or guardians still have responsibility for them.

However, it tends to be well after individuals have crossed the threshold of adulthood, albeit legally, that the full gravity of what it means to be an adult is understood. During their teenage and young adult years, they want to have independence, personal autonomy and self-determination, but not necessarily all of the responsibility that is also attached. In other words, it’s one thing to want to be independent or to be an adult, and completely another to step into fully and be comfortable with what it actually means to be an adult.

However, although many of us have several years of adulthood behind us, being independent, having personal autonomy and consistently feeling in control of our lives can be an ongoing battle. In most instances, the constraints we are experiencing are self-imposed, as we may be trying to conform to other people’s rules and expectations.

Becoming free of those constraints and being able to fully claim that freedom, is among the most powerful goals you can achieve in life!



Best wishes and have a great day!!