It may be unspoken, but there still seems to be an expectation that girls and women should be modest about their desires, abilities and achievements. But at the same time, there can be a sense that women are penalised for not living up to their potential, particularly in western societies.
Although today’s quote by the highly decorated American gymnast, Simone Biles, is targeted at young girls, adult women should also take it to heart. It is crucial that they also are prepared to say, “‘Yes, I am good at this,” or“This is what I want.”
However, it means that women need to find the courage to speak up and speak their truth, whatever that may be, which in turn is likely to inspire others, especially the girls and young women who need people in their lives who are modelling the type of women they should aspire to become.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- To what degree am I prepared to speak my truth?
- To what degree am I prepared to say, “Yes, I am good at this”?
- To what degree am I prepared to say,” This is what I want”, or “This is what I don’t want”?
Best wishes and have a great day!!