Inspirational Quote for 23 January 2023

by | Jan 23, 2023 | Inspiration

We live in a world in which a wide cross-section of people are able to access different aspects of our lives through social media and the feedback that we get is immediate. Unfortunately, some comments can be quite negative which serves to deflate our spirits.

This is the challenge when we live in a community, be it online or in real life. We may unwittingly open ourselves up for unwelcomed comments and scrutiny. Moreover, we have seen an uptick in trolling and bullying, for example, which in several instances were reported to have triggered anxiety, depression, and even suicide.

The point, therefore, is that we need to figure out how to safeguard our physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual space. People can be petty, cruel and judgmental, and we ought not to be looking to others all the time to validate our joy. We need to develop our own ability to relish our achievements and happiness.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • To what degree am I looking for others to be happy for me, or to commiserate with me?
  • To what degree am I looking for others to validate me, my feelings or my successes?
  • Do I know what I should protect from public scrutiny, versus what I could share with others?



Best wishes and have a great day!!