Inspirational Quote for 25 January 2023

by | Jan 25, 2023 | Inspiration

The mind is the strongest and the most useful power we possess. This power comes from the thoughts that passed through our minds and are responsible for everything that happens in our life.

We have often heard the phrase, “Mind over body”, meaning, once the mind is in focus, the body will follow. Moreover, we know of several examples in sports, where athletes stress the mental preparations they make well before the competition starts: as it is the most crucial determinant of the final results and their success.

In our everyday lives, we ought to remember that the mind is a tool that shapes our thoughts. It thus determines who you are and whom we will become, as well as influences your physical well-being and your emotional state.

The power of the mind is still being discovered, as its capabilities are far greater than most of us can imagine!



Best wishes and have a great day!!