In our fast-paced lives, it is easy to overlook the simple pleasures that bring you joy. Often, it feels that there are not enough hours in the day, and the activities that you would love to do, that nourish your soul, such as reading, yoga, journaling, and crafting, to name just a few, get delayed or deferred… until you have the time.
However, It is vital that you prioritise activities that replenish you. You cannot pour from an empty cup, and more importantly, it is unlikely that you have large swathes of time on a regular basis when you can solely indulge in the activities that you.
You thus have to be intentional and carve out the time in your life to regularly engage in those activities.
Having said this, you may be asking whether doing so is being too self-indulgent. That time could be spent with your children, getting on top of your chores, or fulfilling other responsibilities you have. But you are also important. And all other aspects of your life benefit when you are content, relaxed and prepared to give. Do not underestimate the importance of filling your own cup.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- What are the activities that nourish my soul and bring me joy?
- Am I allocating enough time for these activities in my life?
- How can I make more room in my life for more self-care and these activities?
Best wishes and have a great day!!