Daily Inspiration, for 8 May 2022

by | May 8, 2022 | Inspiration

We all want to be happy. But ‘happiness’ almost never falls into your lap just for your asking.

Sadly, due to fairy tales, novels, movies and many other works of fiction, in which the hero and/or heroine “lived happily ever after”, we have been fed a diet that happiness ‘just happens’. However, and almost paradoxically, to be happy requires conscious effort. Specifically, we have to create – and more importantly try to maintain – the mindset that will foster joy in our lives.

However, continually fostering that mindset may be easier said than done, as we do live in a largely negative world, and so maintaining a positive outlook can be a daily, or even moment-to-moment, battle. However, that vigilance, for which you are solely responsible, can unlock the door to happiness.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • Am I happy?
  • What can I do try to foster more happiness in my life?
  • How might I be able to limit some of the negative influences that can erode my joy and my positive outlook?



Best wishes and have a great day!